Oak Ridge Schools will be closed again on Monday due to unsafe road conditions, and City of Oak Ridge offices will open three hours late.
The schools were closed four days after the holiday last week due to the winter weather, as were many other schools, offices, and businesses. Some roads were also briefly closed. The winter weather has included more than eight inches of snow, freezing temperatures, below-zero wind chills, and slippery roads and sidewalks.
On Sunday, the Oak Ridge Police Department and City of Oak Ridge said many roadways were still very icy despite being treated and plowed.
“Conditions are expected to worsen once the sun goes down,” they said. “Stay home, if possible.”
The schools said temperatures are projected to warm on Monday.
“We will assess conditions throughout the day tomorrow before making a decision about Tuesday’s schedule,” they said.
Anderson County Mayor Terry Frank said the county government will remain closed Monday.
“We are planning on a delayed opening on Tuesday, with the understanding that a Monday afternoon assessment may warrant some ancillary facilities to remain closed,” Frank said.
The county convenience centers will also remain closed Monday. Waste Connections plans are to resume truck operations on Tuesday, with a tentative delayed opening at the convenience centers for Tuesday, Frank said.
The Waste Management Chestnut Ridge Landfill will be open on Monday.
Y-12 National Security Complex returned to normal operations on Friday and will be in normal operations on Monday. The Union Valley lab will be closed, and all Uranium Processing Facility parking lots are open, Y-12 said.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory had announced plans to re-open by noon last Wednesday.
The Oak Ridge Board of Education meeting scheduled for Monday evening has been canceled.
Breakfast with the Legislators scheduled for Monday morning at the Oak Ridge Civic Center has also been canceled due to the weather.
“We hope for better weather for our next Breakfast with the Legislators event scheduled for Monday, February 26, at 7:30 a.m. in the Social Room at Oak Ridge Civic Center,” said the League of Women Voters of Oak Ridge, which organizes the breakfasts.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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