You can paddle back in time to visit the historic Freels Bend Cabin and enjoy the beauty of the Clinch River this evening (Thursday, July 8) in Oak Ridge, a press release said.
Participants will learn more about the Manhattan Project as well as its impact on Oak Ridge and the surrounding areas, the press release said. The Manhattan Project was a top-secret federal program to build the world’s first atomic weapons during World War II. Oak Ridge was part of the project. Only a few pre-war structures remain in the city, including Freels Bend Cabin.
“Together, we will visit the cabin, which was built and then remodeled during the 1800s by the Freels family of Anderson County,” said the press release from the National Park Service. “It has maintained its historical significance all these years and now resides on Department of Energy property.”
The Manhattan Project National Historical Park will present this free program at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 8. The program will begin and end at Clark Center Park at 7620 Bull Bluff Road in Oak Ridge.
All participants must wear a Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device during the program and provide all their own equipment, the press release said. Visitors are encouraged to bring water, sunscreen, insect repellent, and appropriate footwear.
This program is weather-dependent and may be rescheduled if unsafe weather is in the forecast.
For more information or directions, call the Manhattan Project National Historical Park at (865) 482-1942. Visitors are encouraged to visit the website and social media for more information: https://www.nps.gov/mapr/oak-ridge.htm and www.facebook.com/ManhattanProjectNPS.

More information will be added as it becomes available.
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