NASA has selected Oak Ridge Associated Universities to provide the agency with administrative support and coordination of research opportunities between NASA’s mission directorates and centers across the agency.
The NASA Postdoctoral Program 2 (NPP-2) contract is a cost-plus-fixed-fee contract with a maximum potential value of approximately $129.7 million. The one-year base performance period begins September 9, 2021, and it is followed by four one-year options, which would end September 8, 2026, NASA said in a press release.
Under the terms of the contract, ORAU will provide highly qualified postdoctoral-level scientists and engineers to conduct research in areas of interest to NASA and individual researchers, the press release said. The work will include, but not be limited to, program-level services, website and knowledge management services, soliciting applicants, receiving and reviewing applications, enrolling new fellows, supporting fellows during their tenure, financial reporting and program effectiveness, operational performance plan and metrics, and phase-in and phase-out activities.
The work will be performed at ORAU’s facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee; NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland; and at other NASA centers and locations, the press release said.
“The NASA contract will allow ORAU to leverage our workforce development and research participation program expertise for an agency that gives early-career and mid-career scientists opportunities to share in NASA’s mission to boldly expand frontiers in air and space, to inspire and serve America, and to benefit the quality of life on Earth,†said Jeff Miller, ORAU senior vice president and director of ORAU Government Services.
“This is a great time for ORAU to work with NASA again, as excitement grows around NASA’s renewed commitment to return humans to the moon, and then on to Mars,” said Andy Page, ORAU president and chief executive officer. “Our NASA postdoctoral program participants will be on the cutting edge of scientific exploration. I know Dr. Scott Miller and his team have the experience and the expertise to help make that happen.”
Scott Miller is the director of research programs at ORAU, and he will manage the NASA program.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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