The Friends of the Oak Ridge Public Library Spring 2021 Book Sale is returning after more than a year.
The Book Sale is Friday, May 21, and Saturday, May 22. It will be a smaller sale at a different location because the Oak Ridge Public Library is not yet fully open to the public, a press release said.
“But we are ready to have a sale to share with you the many items we have received since our last sale in March 2020,” the press release said.
The sale will be held in two rooms on the lower level of the Habitat for Humanity ReStore building in Grove Center. The entrance is on Robertsville Road.
On Friday, May 21, Friends of the Oak Ridge Public Library will have its Members Sale from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Memberships will be available at the door, $5 for an individual and $10 for the family membership. (“Please note that, for the comfort and safety of you, our members, we do not allow the use of electronic scanning devices during the Members Sale,” the press release said. These devices can be used during the remaining parts of the sale.)
From 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, the sale will be open to the public.
The half-price sale on Saturday (to the public) will open at 9:30 a.m. and close at 3:30 p.m.
“We will continue to have our wide range of fiction and nonfiction print books, audio books, and DVDs as well as jigsaw puzzles, music CDs, and other items,” the press release said.
Most titles will still be 50 cents or $1 each. If you would like to help with the sale and have not yet been contacted by the Book Sale Chair Nancy Hardin, contact her at [email protected].
“Remember that donations of books, DVDs, CDs, and other publications are always welcome, since we use them to fill the Book Nook (inside the library) as well as the shelves at the Book Sale,” the press release said. Donations can be left in the donation area in the Library Lobby. Membership forms are available in the library lobby or at the sale.
The Friends of the Oak Ridge Public Library is a nonprofit organization that holds used book sales to raise funds for the library as well as to recycle publications. Funds are used to support the library’s summer reading program for children, sponsor the FOL Book Discussion Group, purchase supplies and publications, and provide other help requested by the library. Membership forms are available in the library lobby or at the sale.
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