Almost 4 inches of rain fell around Norris overnight starting Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2019. Norris is the area around 3.95 near the lower left portion of the large dark orange area in the precipitation map above by the National Weather Service in Morristown. (Image courtesy NWS)
Areas near Norris saw around 4 inches of rain last night (starting Wednesday, February 6), according to the National Weather Service in Morristown.
You can see a collection of rainfall observations across the area during the past 24 hours here: https://nwschat.weather.gov/p.php?pid=201902071821-KMRX-NOUS44-PNSMRX.
The heavy rains led to flooded streets, landslides, and closed roads, and the flooding that came with the rains led, in part, to Anderson County Schools closing on Thursday and Friday.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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