Oak Ridge Community Development Director Wayne Blasius will discuss city needs that have been identified for planning during a lunchtime meeting of the Kiwanis Club on Tuesday.
The noon meeting of Kiwanis Club of Oak Ridge is Tuesday at the Golden Oak Buffet. It’s titled “Oak Ridge City Needs Identified for Planning,†a press release said.
“City Blueprint subarea plans will be mentioned; advance planning information can be seen in links from a summary list of the subareas,” the press release said.
The City Blueprint planning open houses to obtain public input began with a subarea event on May 15, 2017, and they are scheduled to conclude with the final subarea on May 31, 2018, the press release said. Subarea draft plans, area maps, and comments and responses can be reached from links in the summary list.
The meeting, which starts at 11:40 with an optional luncheon, features the program at 12:10 p.m., and it will be held at the Golden Oak Buffet in the small meeting room on the right side of the entrance door. The Buffet is located on 401 South Tulane Avenue in Oak Ridge near Taco Bell, Walmart, and stores in the Main Street Oak Ridge shopping center.
For the 11:40 optional luncheon, enter the Golden Oak, pay for the meal (a senior rate is available), come to the right side meeting room, go through the buffet line, and return to the meeting room, the press release said. For the 12:10 program, go directly to the small meeting room.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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