The public will have a chance to tour parts of Oak Ridge National Laboratory and help celebrate the lab’s 75th anniversary on Saturday, June 9, 2018. (Photo by ORNL)
The public will have a chance to tour parts of Oak Ridge National Laboratory and help celebrate the lab’s 75th anniversary on Saturday, June 9.
The event will include family-friendly activities, tours, demonstrations, and talks, a press release said.
The “75 Years of Science: Lab Day at ORNL†special event will give the public an opportunity to visit world-leading scientific facilities such as the Spallation Neutron Source and the Titan supercomputer, see one of the world’s first nuclear reactors, and interact with research staff, the press release said.
“The pioneering research of ORNL scientists and engineers has played a pivotal role in our nation’s history and continues to shape our future,†ORNL Director Thomas Zacharia said. “We look forward to welcoming the community to celebrate with us as we pursue another 75 years of leadership in science.â€
Registration is required to attend the June 9 event. Advance registration for U.S citizens and non-U.S. citizens, ages 6 and up, will open Tuesday, May 1, and close Friday, May 11, at https://75thanniversary.ornl.gov/register/. Space is limited, and registration will close earlier than May 11 if all space is allotted. A limited number of day-of registration spots will be available for U.S. citizens only.
Registered guests can enjoy ORNL’s interactive Traveling Science Fair, which showcases the lab’s diverse research in computing, neutron science, nuclear science and engineering, clean energy and environmental science, and materials science, as well as the work it takes to run a world-class scientific facility that’s as large as a small town, the press release said. The day’s activities will also include live music, scientific and historical talks, and an Art of Science exhibit. Visit https://75thanniversary.ornl.gov for a full schedule of events.
Attendees will have the option to tour research facilities such as the Spallation Neutron Source, High Flux Isotope Reactor, the Building Technologies Research and Integration Center, and the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility. Tours of the historic Graphite Reactor will allow visitors to learn about the lab’s origin in the World War II Manhattan Project.
Food and beverages will be available for purchase onsite. Commemorative ORNL T-shirts will also be on sale with proceeds benefiting the lab’s 2018 United Way campaign, the press release said.
ORNL’s Lab Day takes place the same weekend as the city of Oak Ridge’s Secret City Festival. Learn more about other 75th anniversary activities in Oak Ridge at https://www.oakridge75th.com/.
ORNL is managed by UT–Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science, the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States. DOE’s Office of Science is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time, the press release said. For more information, visit http://science.energy.gov/.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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