James Mackler, the first Tennessee Democrat to launch a 2018 U.S. Senate campaign, will be in Oak Ridge on Thursday.
Mackler, a Nashville attorney and Iraq War veteran, will be the keynote speaker at the Anderson County Democratic Party general meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, October 19, in the Social Hall of the Oak Ridge Unitarian Universalist Church, a press release said.
U.S. Senator Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican, is not seeking re-election in 2018. U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn, also a Tennessee Republican, has announced she will run for Corker’s seat.
A press release said Mackler left his job six months ago as a prosecutor and defense attorney to run for Corker’s seat.
“I am running for U.S. Senate in Tennessee to restore respect, honesty, and, most importantly, integrity in Washington,” Mackler said in the press release. “Our country has become so divided that our leaders refuse to work together to solve our most important problems. I know first-hand the strength of teamwork and the benefits of diversity to accomplish even the most difficult mission.”
Mackler put aside his legal work to enlist in the Army after 9/11.
“As a military veteran and Tennessee National Guardsman, I know that true leadership comes from a sense of duty—an obligation to protect and work for the benefit of others,” he said. “The best results are accomplished when we recognize the value in one another and the unique contribution of each person. True leaders hold themselves and others accountable. These are values that I learned serving my country and will continue to carry as your next U.S. senator.â€
Mackler earned his Parachutist Badge, Combat Action Badge, and an Air Medal for “bold and audacious piloting,” the press release said. After his service in Iraq, he transferred to the Judge Advocate General Corps, where he was a military prosecutor.
Mackler added that without change, he is worried about the future of Tennessee families.
“My wife and I want to raise our two daughters in a nation that celebrates the best of America: an open and welcoming place that is driven by opportunity and ingenuity; a country motivated by courage, not fear; a society where we seek justice, strive for equality, and embrace our neighbors,” he said.
ORUUC is located at 809 Oak Ridge Turnpike. Mackler will begin his presentation after a brief business portion of the ACDP general meeting.
To learn more about James Mackler, go to www.facebook.com/JamesMacklerForSenate or www.jamesmackler.com.
The Anderson County Democratic Party holds its general meeting on the third Thursday of each month. The community is invited to attend. Venues and times are announced in the media, on their Facebook page, and website. For more information visit www.facebook.com/AndersonCountyTNDemocrats or www.andersoncountydemocraticparty.com.
This press release was submitted by Maureen Hoyt.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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Barton Bailey says
All politics aside, I can’t help but see Wallace from the old claymation tv show Wallace and Gromit every time I see this guy’s picture: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/wallaceandgromit/images/3/3e/Wallace-482×298.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/299?cb=20140526031303