You can join a park ranger for a bicycle ride and learn more about the history of Oak Ridge on Melton Lake Greenway on Saturday morning, May 13, 2017. (Photo courtesy National Park Service)
You can join a park ranger for a bicycle ride and learn more about the history of Oak Ridge on Melton Lake Greenway on Saturday morning.
The free program is presented by the Manhattan Project National Historical Park. It will start at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 13, at Elza Gate Park, former entry point to the “Secret City,” and continue down Melton Lake Greenway.
“Rangers will stop several times along the bike ride to point out the rich history that is found within the Oak Ridge area,” a press release said.
Elza Gate Park is located at 101 Oak Ridge Turnpike in Oak Ridge. Maps are available at the National Park desk in the American Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge, or you can call (865) 576-6767.
For more information or directions, contact the Manhattan Project National Historical Park at (865) 576-6767.
Visitors are also encouraged to visit the website for more information on the park at https://www.nps.gov/mapr/oakridge.htm.
Follow the Manhattan Project National Historical Park on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ManhattanProjectNPS, on Twitter at @MnhtnProjectNPS, or on Instagram @manhattanprojectnp.
The Manhattan Project was a top-secret federal program to build the world’s first atomic weapons during World War II. Oak Ridge was built as part of the Manhattan Project, and it is part of the new park. Hanford, Washington, and Los Alamos, New Mexico, are also included in the Manhattan Project National Historical Park, which was officially established in November 2015.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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