The Oak Ridge Center for Leadership and Community Development, an organization affiliated with the Oak Ridge Chamber of Commerce, has announced a new program, Encounter Oak Ridge.
Encounter Oak Ridge is a new four-session program designed to introduce Oak Ridge to new residents, new employees, and everyone interested in learning more about the community where they live or work. Participants will be introduced to the unique aspects of Oak Ridge. Sessions will take place on four consecutive Mondays, beginning on April 24 and concluding on May 15. Encounter Oak Ridge is sponsored by NSPS.
“Participants in this new program will benefit from learning about our community and from the new business and personal contacts they will make through Encounter Oak Ridge,” said Bonnie Hebert of Oak Ridge National Laboratory/UT-Battelle and chair of the Encounter Oak Ridge program.
“Encounter Oak Ridge is our organization’s latest offering to inform and empower Oak Ridge’s workforce and residents to be engaged in the community where they live and/or work,” said John Garrity of NSPS LLC and chairman of the Center for Leadership and Community Development.
Each session will focus on different aspects of the Oak Ridge community, the press release said:
- April 24, 3:30-7 p.m—Opening the Gate: An Introduction to Oak Ridge—history, tour, and reception with Oak Ridge leaders
- May 1, 3:30-7 p.m.—The Federal Presence and Oak Ridge Partners: $3 in Your Backyard—Tour Y-12 and ORNL
- May 8, 4-7:30 p.m.—Challenges and Opportunities: City and County Leaders and the Issues They Face—Meeting with city and county officials, learn about challenges, and attend an Oak Ridge City Council meeting
- May 15, 3:30-7 p.m.—A Week in Oak Ridge—Learn about the numerous enrichment opportunities and the Oak Ridge quality of life
The cost to participate is $375 per person, and it covers meals, transportation, and program costs. Discounts are available for Oak Ridge Chamber members who invest at the Business Essential or above levels. For more information on this new program, or to register, contact Greta Ownby at [email protected] or (865) 483-1321. To download a brochure on the program, visit the Chamber’s website at
The mission of the Center for Leadership and Community Development is to support successful growth, development, and cohesion of the Oak Ridge community through leadership programs and organizations by empowering implementation of their chosen visions and goals, the press release said.
This press release was submitted by Kathy Gillenwaters.
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