The Sister City Support Organization in cooperation with Oak Ridge Schools has selected the 2017 delegation for the middle school exchange with Oak Ridge’s sister city, Naka-shi, Japan. Delegates for the 2017 exchange are front, from left to right, Jordan Oxendine, Aidan Seay, Henri Scott, Mateo Cacheiro, Thomas Schultz, and Savanna Maddux; and back, RMS Chaperone Julie Kinder-McMillan, Bert Everitt, Alex Dahl, Alex Shanafield, Allison Myers, and JMS Chaperone Kristina Casalenuovo. (Submitted photo)
The Sister City Support Organization in cooperation with Oak Ridge Schools has selected the 2017 delegation for the middle school exchange with Oak Ridge’s sister city, Naka-shi, Japan.
The 10 rising eighth-grade students, representing both Robertsville and Jefferson middle schools, will be accompanied by two teacher chaperones. The group will travel to Japan in July and welcome the Naka students to Oak Ridge in August. This is the 26th year of the U.S.-Japanese exchange.
This press release and photo were submitted by Jerry Luckmann.
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