Design of the Peace Pavilion for the Oak Ridge International Friendship Bell by Demian\Wilbur\Architects, Washington, D.C.
Peace. Can it be attained in 2017?
“My Faith’s Traditions/Teachings on Personal and World Peace” will be the topic of a panel discussion held by the Women’s Interfaith Dialogue of Oak Ridge, or WIDOR, on April 3 at 11 a.m. at the Jewish Congregation of Oak Ridge, the Beth El Center, at 101 West Madison Lane in Oak Ridge. Everyone is invited, a press release said.
The first speaker on the panel, Shigeko Uppuluri, will present on the peaceful intentions of those who arranged to bring the Friendship Bell to Oak Ridge from Japan and share information about the plans for its new site, the press release said.
Speakers will then present brief statements from each of their perspectives: Hindu, Judaism, Buddhist, Christianity, Islam, the Unitarian Universalist Association, and the Baha’i Faith. Time will be allotted for questions and discussion, the press release said. Light refreshments will be served afterward.
Anyone with questions can contact Joan Cassens at (865) 220-8900.
The public is invited to this free event, the press release said. The Women’s Interfaith Dialogue brings together women of diverse faith, races, and culture to explore, understand and learn from one another to advance justice, compassion, friendship, and human rights with a focus on women and children, the press release said.
This press release was submitted by Barbara McCord.
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