Members of the Secret City Wildbots crew work on Luna, the 2017 robot, during the opening practice matches on Thursday, March 23, 2017. At left (in black long sleeves) is Eric Thornton; center (also in black) is Jacob LaRose, Luke Buckner (next in yellow) as a graduate advisor, Caden Webb (in pink), mentor Chuck Agle (in black, back to camera), and Olivia Mahathy (in black, back to camera). (Photo by Angi Agle)
The Secret City Wildbots start qualifications rounds Friday morning at the Smoky Mountain Regional in Knoxville.
The first match for the Wildbots, Team 4265 from Oak Ridge, is scheduled at about 9:45 a.m. Friday. It’s Match Number 7 at Thompson-Boling Arena.
The Wildbots are competing in the FIRST Robotics “FIRST Steamworks†challenge, which is scheduled from Thursday, March 23, to Saturday, March 25. Their 2017 robot is named Luna.
There were practice matches on Thursday.
“The Secret City Wildbots lived up to their name, declining to run any of the practice rounds as they spent time tuning the robot,” said Angi Agle, an Oak Ridge Board of Education member attending the competition.
Qualification rounds start at 9 a.m. Friday, and they continue Saturday morning.
The alliance selections take place at noon on Saturday, with the final rounds from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
The event is open to the public.
You can stream the Smoky Mountain Regional live online at https://youtu.be/SYHous5C6-s.
More information will be added as it becomes available.
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