If you want to get some exercise early in the new year, you can go on a short hike during the Third Annual New Year’s Walk at the University of Tennessee Arboretum on Monday.
The free walk is offered by the UT Arboretum Society. It starts at 9:30 a.m. Monday, January 2, at the UT Arboretum Auditorium. There, you will be greeted by fellow hikers and offered coffee, hot chocolate, and snacks, a press release said.
At 10 a.m., the group will leave for a guided walk that will last about 45 minutes, the press release said. The hike will follow a forest trail and will visit the Elmore Holly Collection, giving participants the opportunity to see the hollies still covered with berries.
“This is an easy walk on the trails and is suitable for all ages,” the press release said. “The Arboretum Society encourages everyone to come out to enjoy an outdoor respite before heading home to watch the bowl games on TV.”
The UT Arboretum is located at 901 South Illinois Avenue in Oak Ridge.
To learn more about the Arboretum Society, go to www.utarboretumsociety.org.
For more information on the hike call the Arboretum at (865) 482-4836.
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