Note: This letter was submitted by John Such. He was part of the motorcycle group involved in one of the two crashes that injured eight people on Interstate 75 near Rocky Top on Saturday morning.
I was part of the mororcycle group yesterday involved in the crash on I-75. The semi crash happened immediately after the bikes went down. Cars traveling southbound stopped to either look and/or offer assistance to our riders down. The semi that was unable to stop crashed into traffic that had slowed down or stopped.
I can’t thank all those medical responders and travelers who offered hope, encouragement, water—anything they could to comfort all those in need.
I especially want to thank Tennessee State Trooper J. Kennedy. This man comforted me while still showing his professionalism under the most difficult circumstances. This hero to me helped me in the most difficult time I have endured in my life.
Thank you Trooper Kennedy, and may all your brothers and sisters rise to the level of your professionalism and compassion. God Bless You.
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