Oak Ridge Community Band leader Dale Pendley directs the Community Band in a summer concert in 2015. (Photo courtesy Barbara Gritzner)
Special recognition will be given to area veterans and to the men and women currently serving in the United States Armed Forces at the Memorial Day Concert performed by the Oak Ridge Community Band on Monday evening, May 30. This concert will start at 7Â p.m. Monday at A.K. Bissell Park.
The public is encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets for outdoor seating. There is no admission fee for this concert, but donations are gratefully appreciated to help offset band expenses.
Also present in the park will be Razzleberry’s Ice Cream Lab, which will continue its tradition of providing refreshments during the community band summer concert season, a press release said.
The Community Band will perform “Armed Forces Medley 72” with the theme songs of the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy, and veterans and currently serving military persons will be asked to stand during the song representing their branch of service.
Guest performers in Monday’s concert include the Community Band Singers and vocal soloists Melissa Brook-Greene and Deidre Ford. Among the patriotic pieces and musical favorites on the program are “God Bless America,” “Semper Fidelis,” “God Bless the U.S.A.,” “The Longest Day,” “Stars and Stripes Forever,” “The Homefront,” “The Girl I Left Behind Me,” “Oklahoma,” and a number of others.
The Oak Ridge Community Band directed by Dale Pendley and assistant conductor Lisa Michaels will begin rehearsals on Thursday, June 2, at 7:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, for the July 4 concert. Area musicians including college students and summer employees are encouraged to join the band for the summer concerts and can visit www.orcb.org or call (865) 483-3044 for more information.
This press release was submitted by Barbara Gritzner, publicist for the Oak Ridge Community Band.
Copyright 2016 Oak Ridge Today. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Devrin Kuipers says
While what I have to say may be a trivial thing to some to others it is not. I love my country, our community in Oak Ridge and Anderson County, and proudly served in the U.S. Army. I know of many veterans that would prefer to be left to remember their comrades and not told “Thank you for your service.” on Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those that gave their lives in the defense of this great nation and the ideals on which we were founded. Veterans Day recognizes those that served and were able to return home. Armed Forces Day is for those presently serving. I do not consider myself unpatriotic when I ask people to stop commingling these days.
Philip W Nipper says
I could not agree more. Sometimes I think that Memorial Day and Veterans Day is nothing more than another reason for retailers to pander to the buying public. I think the majority of civilians in our country are simply hungry to show thanks to those who served that they forget the true meaning of the day. Maybe before they “strike up the band” and begin ice cream sales, a moment of silence will be observed for those who did not come home. Thanks for your service and sacrifices.