Pictured above are bassonist Ardyce Lee, clarinetist Dave Greenwood, horn player Bill Schwenterly, flutist RaNaye Dreier, and oboist Dana Fox. They are members of the Tanasi Winds Quintet and will perform in the Showcase Concert on Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016. (Submitted by Oak Ridge Community Band/Wind Ensemble)
The Oak Ridge Community Band/Wind Ensemble has a Showcase Concert on Sunday afternoon, January 31.
It’s a good way to usher out a cold and dreary January, organizers said.
The concert starts at 3:30 p.m. Sunday and will be held in the sanctuary of the First Baptist Church at 1101 Oak Ridge Turnpike.
“Band members look forward every year to the Showcase Concert because it gives them and area musicians the opportunity to perform in small ensembles showcasing their talents with an array of musical selections including classical, jazz, blues, swing, show tunes, and novelty pieces,” a press release said.
Among the groups who will be on Sunday afternoon’s program are the Community Band Trombone Choir, the Secret City Winds Quintet, The Oak Ridge Clarinet Choir, the Secret City Tuba-Euphonium Quartet, the Two Dears and a Stag trio, the Tanasi Winds Quintet, the Perfect Ten Winds Dectet, and the Two Hits and a Miss trio.
Featured on the Showcase program will be the world premiere of two songs written by Oak Ridge composer Greg Foertter. Foertter has studied trumpet at the Manhattan School of Music and at the University of Miami, served 21 years in U.S. army bands, been on tour with the Guy Lombardo Orchestra, performed at the Florida Grand Opera, and has taught band, music, drama, and chorus. Â Â Currently residing in Oak Ridge, he enjoys composing music for wind, brass, and strings ensembles, the press release said.
Admission to the Showcase concert is $5 for all adults over 18. For more information, visit www.orcb.org or call (865) 482-3568.
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