Michael Burns and Sumner Byrne placed first in the dance contest at the Free Medical Clinic fundraiser last year, bringing in the most money for this crowd-pleasing event. (Submitted photo)
Save the date: Volunteers and staff at the Free Medical Clinic of Oak Ridge will present their annual “fun†fundraiser, the FMC Bash, on Saturday, August 8.
You can wear a neon T-shirt and jeans—dress is casual. An excellent dinner will be provided by Morrison Catering.
You can hear and dance to Second Opinion, the band of a few rockin’ doctors associated with Methodist Medical Center of Oak Ridge.
You can “vote†on the amazing and amusing Oak Ridge couples as they compete in the Celebrity Dance Contest.
And you can bid on hand-crafted items and services in the silent auction. At the live auction, Bear Stephenson, member of the FMCOR board, will auction dinners, a vacation cabin, and services such as interior decorating advice and computer repairs.
The signature drink will be a special margarita in a brightly flashing souvenir glass. The cost is $10 and another $5 for a refill.
FMCOR is looking for sponsors of the event. If you give $1,000 or more, you will automatically become a member of the Healing Hands Society. Sponsors who donate $500 or more by July 1 will have their names listed on the new neon FMC Bash T-shirt and the Free Medical Clinic website, as well as in newspaper publicity.
Tickets, which will cost $60 per person, will go on sale June 1. A ticket can be purchased online at www.fmcor.org  (click on the FMC Bash tab). Or you can buy a ticket at the FMCOR office at 116 East Division Road (behind Zaxby’s restaurant) in Oak Ridge.
The third option is to make a check payable to the Free Medical Clinic of Oak Ridge, with “FMC Bash tickets†on the notation line. Then mail or deliver the check to the address above, adding Oak Ridge, TN 37830 for mailed checks.
The Free Medical Clinic provides medical services to residents of Anderson, Roane, and Morgan counties who lack health insurance and cannot afford medical care. Many of the patients receive care from doctors and nurses who donate their time.
The FMC Bash is scheduled from 5 to 10 p.m. August 8 in the Parish Life Center of St. Mary’s Church at 327 Vermont Avenue in Oak Ridge.
Carolyn Krause is a contributor to Oak Ridge Today.
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