To the Editor:
I would like to commend the outstanding job that Trina Baughn is doing on City Council. Of all the members of City Council, she is the most knowledgeable about the city’s massive and rising $186.4 million debt. Trina Baughn understands the history of how this debt was accumulated; she also has developed a strategic plan to help the taxpayers resolve this debt.
While Oak Ridge slipped deeper into debt, past City Councils have wasted and squandered taxpayer funds on law firms in Washington, D.C., to lobby for more money for Oak Ridge’s government facilities, as if lobbying rather than the qualifications of local scientists could swing federal funding to Oak Ridge. The taxpayers derived zero benefit from those lobbyist payments or the largesse City Council has bestowed on the Chamber of Commerce over the years.
When a person is facing financial constraints, he or she must cut all unnecessary spending. It is unclear whether the current City Council majority understands the concept of “no unnecessary spending.†Trina Baughn understands that the taxpayer funds are not just “other people’s money†up for grabs, and that every dollar counts. No person of intelligence would oppose her attempts to hold city government accountable or to exercise fiscal restraint.
Euripides once said that when a good person is harmed, all people who would call themselves good must suffer with her. Thus, I took it personally when Trina Baughn was publicly attacked for calling for an investigation of the current police chief. Trina Baughn demonstrated not only courage but class in the manner in which she conducted herself in the last City Council meeting.
I am glad the council voted unanimously to conduct an investigation. Now maybe council should investigate itself to find out why certain members of Council were eager to sweep this matter under the carpet and avoid public scrutiny. Why was Trina Baughn the one and only Council member to submit a resolution calling for an investigation, when the other members of Council had access to the same information that she had? Anyone interested in the chronology of events should view the website:
Trina, keep up the good work. We need more people like you on City Council.
Michael A.S. Guth
Oak Ridge
Matt Bailey says
Mr. Guth, I can’t speak for others, but it would appear today / tonight that Ms. Baughn’s information has turned out to be fabricated or at best poorly researched before she ran to the media. This would be at least twice and maybe more that we’ve seen this kind of huge gaff by Trina. And if what we’re reading tonight is true about the Order of Protection fiasco, I think it forces citizens to wonder how much other “information” is tainted.
One of her supporters has stated today that she went to the Blount Co. courthouse and researched the information herself. I would suggest that you go to the facebook page of “what’s happening now in Oak Ridge Council and Leadership. I think you’ll be shocked by what you read about Ms. Powers efforts. She did the research, apologized to the Chief of Police, and he graciously accepted her apology. Kudos to both of them.
I would encourage you to read all the comments as well. This may well be the end of the Trina Baughn era of bullying school officials, city officials, the City Manger, the Chief of Police, the Supt. of Schools, etc.
But I can assure you of ONE thing: She ain’t called Hallerin Hill, WATE, WBIR, WVLK, ole Bob Fowler at the Knoxville News Sentinel, or the Oak Ridger. The media might have some explaining to do on this one. You might not see them follow in lock step with her rants in the future.
Let’s see how this one plays out. And of course, IF the media decides to follow this one (which they likely won’t), Oak Ridge suffers another black eye from a council member who’s desperate for attention. Sadly.
“No person of intelligence could any longer call her a good person”. (see your comments above).
Joseph Lee says
Mr. Guth, Ms.Baughn’s strategic plan is a joke. The only things it lacks (other than a realistic understanding of the financial status of the city finances) is the suggestion of an annual city wide bake sale and Trina supporters stand at each and every stoplight daily, collecting spare change for the Anti End of Days Fund. Also, it went nowhere among council members. Folk out there that think the problem with city council is that they are not more like Trina Baughn do not have a clue about what is going on in Oak Ridge. Thank you for your letter. Good luck with all that.