To the Editor:
I read the article in Wednesday’s The Oak Ridger where the reporter contacted the five candidates who were not endorsed by the Progress PAC for comments. I wonder why The Oak Ridger did not contact all the candidates.
Either way, I found most comments professional, and in particular Mike Mahathy’s and Jean Hiser’s and in general Andrew Howe’s. Both Andrew Howe’s and Laurie Paine’s, however, referenced me so I feel necessary to respond.
I appreciate Howe stating that I was a good candidate. According to the article, he also mentioned that I had served on the Board of Education for many years and that he supports term limits. Since this came up, I think it’s helpful for people to realize prior to this term, the last time I served on the Board was between 1991-1995 or 14 years in between my last two terms. This is the first time I have ever run as an incumbent.
Ms. Paine reportedly “questioned the ethics of Eby accepting the endorsement because of his Chamber membership. She said the PAC perpetuates the ‘good ol’ boy’ system.” This is the second time my association with the Chamber has been brought up as a potential ethics issue. The first was by Council person Trina Baughn.
I believe Progress PAC implemented a process that was fair to all candidates.
Secondly, I proudly sit on the Chamber Board representing my company Centrus Energy Corporation (formerly USEC) who, in the past nine years, spent more than $300 million in operating funds and invested over $130 million in capital facilities in Oak Ridge.
Thirdly, I have also consulted an attorney who says the only way I would have had a potential ethics problem is if I had sat on the Progress PAC Board and voted myself money. For the record, I do not sit on the Progress PAC Board, and during my interview I told the PAC I would not accept any money from them if I gained their endorsement.
I am honored by their endorsement and gladly accept it.
Finally, I have been proud to run my campaign on a positive note, refusing to question motives and actions of others. This town has so many good things to build on. Let’s stay on the positive by electing those people who will work positively to grow the city and retain the excellent schools we have.
Bob Eby
Candidate for Re-election for the Oak Ridge Board of Education
Raymond Charles Kircher says
Term Limits Mr. Eby, please expand on that.
Matt Bailey says
that’s all you could come up with? Not a “thanks for caring enough to run”. Not a “thanks all those years in the past for what you did”. There’s a large amount of respect that Mr. Eby has earned thru the years. Surely there are more pressing concerns and re-writing the OR charter may not be at the top of the list.
mary connolly says
Mr. Kircher,
We have term limits. It’s called the ballot box.
Raymond Charles Kircher says
Quite imaginative, I do vote. Too bad many do not. Do you, Mary Connolly? Term Limits gives a set amount of time for work, not excuses. Maybe more people should sit out. Just don’t vote, and then the work of the school board would get done. You think so?
Raymond Charles Kircher says
You see anything else, Matt Bailey? I wouldn’t add things, unlike you.
Raymond Charles Kircher says
Term limits is a realistic discussion about the future of our schools. Having citizens to step up and run for the position is what all of us should be doing, not just the few. It keeps the schools Sunshine clean.
Joseph Lee says
Bob Eby will be getting my vote. He is clearly the best in the field of school board candidates and I thank him for his years of service and willingness to run again.
Mike Mahathy says
I’m proud of my stand for the children of Oak Ridge. Vote wisely. It matters.