To the Editor:
Although I have never written an endorsement for any political candidates, I feel sincerely compelled to at this time.
Twenty-five years ago, I moved my family to Oak Ridge. I was not born here, had no family members here, nor did I relocate due to a job transfer or employment contract. I moved my family to this beautiful city for I desired to live in this community. I voluntarily chose Oak Ridge.
I started a business almost 24 years ago and earlier this year sold that business and am presently thoroughly enjoying retirement. Oak Ridge has been good to me and my family and God favored me over this past quarter of a century. And having the advantage of being a local business person, I want to cast my ballot in this year’s City Council election for Rick Chinn.
As citizens of Oak Ridge have the privilege and opportunity to again go to the voting machine in a few weeks, I am casting one of my votes for City Council to Rick Chinn. There are no doubt good-intentioned citizens aspiring to be a council member. I personally feel our Council needs more representation with business experience to help our city and the financial challenges that it faces. Too many times individuals have been elected in years past due only to their popularity, their connections, or their statements of good intent. The fact of reality is that most lacked the business experience needed to make sound financial decisions regarding the city, and as a result, our city faces a large burden of indebtedness. A well-meaning candidate seeking a position in city leadership should never be the sole requirement for an elected office. Well-meaning intentions need to be closely tethered to financial experience and responsibility. Rick Chinn has demonstrated that financial experience with the successful company he partners with his family.
The Council that is presently in place has only one person, Chuck Hope, that has the distinction of being a small business owner. Some other members may be employed in business-related endeavors, but they are not presently involved with the sole responsibility of making a company payroll, establishing and meeting an annual business budget, and securing business to continue operating their business successfully. Oak Ridge needs Rick Chinn to offer his unique perspective and expertise to council discussions. Our present city indebtedness demands attention and action. Therefore, I am imploring Oak Ridgers to vote for Rick Chinn for our City Council.
L. Keith Lay
Oak Ridge
Kay Williamson says
great letter Keith,