I’m Angie, and my situation is sad. I’m skinny, and was covered in ticks when I came in as an owner surrender. I have no clue why I am here.
The volunteers could sing: “Oh, Angie, don’t you weep, all your kisses still taste sweet. I hate that sadness in your eyes.”
I’m only two years old, a black and tan coonhound mix that might be a better partner than a hunting dog. The season is over, so I probably got dumped.
I’m a little shy and confused because no one taught me how to walk on a leash, but I am making huge strides daily! I would be the most gratitude-filled best friend.
I came into the shelter on May 23. The volunteers that are working with me and helping me know my value.
The Oak Ridge Animal Shelter is at 395 Belgrade Road in east Oak Ridge. The phone number is (865) 425-3423.
See the Animal Shelter’s website here. You can also find more information on adoptable animals at the Oak Ridge Animal Shelter on this Facebook page.
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