Susan Cange from the U.S. Department of Energy in Oak Ridge presents plaques of appreciation to Julia Riley, Hardin Valley Academy, left, and Gracie Hall, Oak Ridge High School, right, for their service as student representatives to the Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board. (Submitted photo)
The Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge Office recognized outgoing student representatives Gracie Hall and Julia Riley at the April board meeting.
ORSSAB is a federally chartered citizens’ panel that provides recommendations to the DOE Oak Ridge Environmental Management Program, which is responsible for the cleanup of the Oak Ridge Reservation. Each year it provides seats for two non-voting student representatives from area high schools. In addition to participating at board meetings, students can be members of the board’s working committees.
“We appreciate the insight the student representatives provide during their tenure on the ORSSAB, so it’s always sad to see them leave when they complete their terms,†said Susan Cange, deputy assistant manager for the DOE Oak Ridge Environmental Management Program and the board’s deputy designated federal officer. “We are thankful to them for dedicating time during their busy senior year of high school to help provide valuable input in support of environmental cleanup in Oak Ridge.â€
Gracie will graduate from Oak Ridge High School in May. For the last couple of years, she has been training in martial arts and has a blue-purple belt in Filkenjutsu. She plans to continue training and teaching various forms of martial arts.
Gracie also likes to sing and will be singing in her last Sound Company show in May. Sound Company is a local group of young singers and dancers.
She will be attending the University of Tennessee Knoxville this fall in the honors program with an undeclared major. She is considering environmental science or criminal justice. She does plan to minor in Spanish.
Julia will graduate from Hardin Valley Academy in May. During her senior year, she has been active as president of Hardin Valley’s Venture Crew. She has been involved in blood drives at Hardin Valley as assistant to one of her teachers who coordinates the drives.
Julia will attend Clemson University this fall in the honors program studying environmental science with a wildlife biology minor.
Two new students from Oak Ridge High School and Hardin Valley Academy will be seated in May.
For more information about ORSSAB, visit the board’s website at www.energy.gov/orssab or call (865) 241-4583 or (865) 241-4584.
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