Clinton Police Department Officer Dustin Hensley, left, and Chief Rick Scarbrough are pictured above. (Submitted photo)
Officer Dustin Hensley of the Clinton Police Department was recently recognized by the Governor’s Highway Safety Office for his persistence in keeping drunk drivers off the streets of Clinton, a press release said.
Hensley received a DUI/Impaired Driving Enforcement award for his work from Jan. 1 through Oct. 1, 2013, the release said. He was nominated by Lt. Larry Miller, who heads up CPD’s Governor’s Highway Safety Program.
The special award plaque was presented Dec. 9 during the GHSO joint network meeting at the Holiday Inn in Knoxville.
The release said the Clinton Police Department stresses the importance of traffic safety and strives to protect other motorists from drunk drivers.
“The efforts of Officer Hensley, who has been with the department since September 2008, has greatly assisted CPD with improving its protection in 2013,” CPD Police Chief Rick Scarbrough said.
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