New Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board Members Wanda Smith, Noel Berry, and Mary Hatcher are pictured left to right above. (Submitted photo)
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management recently appointed three new members to its advisory board.
The agency appointed Noel Berry, Mary Hatcher, and Wanda Smith for two-year terms to the Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board, or ORSSAB, a federally chartered citizens’ panel that provides independent advice and recommendations about cleanup conducted throughout the Oak Ridge Reservation.
The board’s Deputy Designated Federal Officer Susan Cange introduced the three to the public at ORSSAB’s September meeting. “Thank you for volunteering your time to serve on the board,†she told them. “It is certainly appreciated by DOE and your fellow board members.â€
Berry, a resident of Knoxville, is a retired project management professional with extensive experience in computers and related quality assurance issues. He has worked as a senior laboratory specialist and quality assurance/build programmer for IBM. In addition, he served as a quality assurance engineer contracted to Siemens USA. Berry received his A.S. in electrical engineering technology from Chattanooga State Technical Institute and a B.S. in computer science from St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas.
Hatcher is a student at Pellissippi Technical Community College in Knoxville, where she is working toward an A.S. in paralegal studies. Until 2006, she owned a metal finishing and detailing business in Marshfield, Mo. Hatcher lives in Louisville.
Smith lives near Rockwood, and she owns a convenience store in Pine Orchard. Smith is a graduate of Harriman High School and is a former member of Head Start, the Morgan County Industrial Board, and the Morgan County Civil Service Board. She is the former vice president of the Morgan County Democratic Women’s Club and the former co-chair of the Morgan County Airport Planning Commission.
ORSSAB meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Office of Science and Technical Information, 1 Science.gov Way in Oak Ridge. The board’s meetings and committees are open to the public. Notices are available on the board’s website at www.oakridge.doe.gov/em/ssab.
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