Pictured above from left are Gene Caldwell, Jennifer Enderson, Leo Sain, and Dottie Thompson. (Submitted photo)
UCOR, the federal cleanup contractor in Oak Ridge, recently donated a second installment pledge of $20,000 to the Emory Valley Center, a press release said.
In 2010, UCOR pledged to Emory Valley Center fundraising co-chairs Gene Caldwell and Dottie Thompson that it would donate $100,000 during the next five years to help build a new center.
“We believe in the importance of the work done to help so many people at Emory Valley Center,” UCOR President Leo Sain said in the press release.
“This is a perfect venue for UCOR to give back to our community by supporting this necessary facility,” EVC President Jennifer Enderson said. “With the outpouring of support from our friends at UCOR, our abilities to help more people will become a reality.”
Karen Eckel Bridgeman says
Could not be happier to read this! Gene and Dottie, your faithful service to this cause is really special — so glad to read of your success. Leo and UCOR, well done; this is what being a good corporate citizen is all about.