Pictured are Emory Valley Center Day Workshop employees and, in front row second from left, Emory Valley Center Development Director Robin Biloski, Capital Campaign Co-Chair Gene Caldwell, Civitan Club Past President John Seiber, and Clinton Civitan Chapter Treasurer Susan Miller. (Submitted photos)
The Emory Valley Center recently accepted donations from AT&T and the Civitan Club of Clinton.
The Civitan Club’s donation was the final pledge to the Emory Valley Center’s Capital Campaign, a fundraising drive to raise money for a new building on Emory Valley Road, a press release said.
“One of our major emphases in our organization is to be there to assist adults and children with developmental and intellectual disabilities, and EVC is a perfect partner for us here in Anderson County,” said John Seiber, Civitan past president. “We are so pleased to assist in the campaign to raise funds for the new center.”
The center’s capital campaign is about two-thirds of the way to its goal.
“AT&T is pleased to make a contribution to the Emory Valley Center,” said Alan Hill, AT&T regional director. “Their workshop is a special place for special people who are making a contribution to the Oak Ridge area economy while enhancing the self esteem of their workforce at the same time.”
To visit EVC, call Robin Biloski at (865) 201-5361.
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