Oak Ridge National Laboratory Director Thom Mason, center, presents a lab overview in the renovated EVEREST Visualization Theater to congressional staff members Alek Vey, second from left, and Tyler Threadgill, second from right. Also pictured are deputy lab director Jeff Smith, left, and U.S. Department of Energy official Johnny Moore. (Photo courtesy of ORNL)
U.S. Rep. Chuck Fleischmann’s new legislative director, Alek Vey, and his new communications director, Tyler Threadgill, visited Oak Ridge National Laboratory Thursday.
They were joined by Helen Hardin, Fleischmann’s senior policy adviser.
While at the lab, Vey and Threadgill met with lab leadership and toured the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility and newly renovated EVEREST Visualization Theater, Radiochemical Engineering Development Center, High Flux Isotope Reactor, Spallation Neutron Source, Graphite Reactor, and the Building Technologies Research and Integration Center Building Equipment Lab, a statement said.
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